Following is the list of key technologies that we work with.
Opensource Platforms
- Docker for Application Containerization
- Kubernetes for container orchestration and system scaling
- Envoy, Istio and Ambassador for Service Mesh and Kubernetes Ingress
- Apache Kafka for stream processing
- Elastic Search for logs analysis and
- Prometheus for metrics collection
- Jaeger and OpenTracing for request tracing and debugging
- RabbitMQ / MQTT Broker for message and device communication
- Spinnaker for CI/CD
- Git for version control and automation
- Redhat OpenShift
Communication Interfaces
- WiFi
- Zigbee / Z-Wave
Data Stores & Frameworks
- Kafka for Streaming IoT data
- Spark and Spark Streaming
- AWS Redshift
- Hadoop / EMR for Horizontal data scaling
- Azure Datalake / Azure Blob
- AWS Athena, Glue and S3
- Presto SQL
- Google BigQuery and BigTable
- MySQL / PostgreSQL
- AWS DynamoDB
- MongoDB / Cassandra
- CockroachDB / Spanner (Distributed SQL)
- Neo4J / AWS Neptune (Graph databases)
Cloud IoT Offerings
- Amazon AWS IoT Core
- Amazon Green Grass
- Azure IoT Hub
- Google Cloud IoT
- FreeRTOS
- Embedded Linux
- User Security
- API Security
- Device Security
- X.509 Certificates
- OAuth2 / OpenID Connect
Infrastructure and Frameworks
- IAM / Cloud Networking (AWS, Azure, Google)
- Terraform for multi-cloud infrastructure deployments
- Vagrant for multi-cloud VM deployments
- Vault for Secrets Management
- AWS CloudFormation
- AWS EC2 / Google Compute Engine / Azure VMs
- Go
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- C / C++
- Flutter
- Swift / Kotlin